Help Us Map TrumpWorld

We logged more than 1,500 people and organizations connected to the incoming administration. Now we want your help to understand them and to add more.

No American president has taken office with a giant network of businesses, investments, and corporate connections like that amassed by Donald J. Trump. His family and advisers have touched a staggering number of ventures, from a hotel in Azerbaijan to a poker company in Las Vegas.

So we compiled a list of as many as we could to keep track of them all.

We wound up with the diagram you see above — a bird’s-eye view of what we call TrumpWorld. We spent two months building the dataset from public records, news reports, and other sources on the Trump family, his Cabinet picks, and top advisers — more than 1,500 people and organizations altogether. BuzzFeed News is the first news organization to publish such an exhaustive list of Trump’s business interests, and we hope it will help you, the public, better understand the new administration.

But Trump’s web is so sprawling there are surely things we missed. We need your help to capture as many connections as we can.

In the spreadsheet below, you can see (and download) the latest data describing TrumpWorld. Each row represents a connection between a person and an organization (e.g., The Trump Organization Inc. and Donald J. Trump), a person and another person (e.g., Donald J. Trump and Linda McMahon), or two organizations (e.g., Bedford Hills Corp. and Seven Springs LLC).

Now we are asking the public to use our data to find connections we may have missed, and to give us context we don’t currently understand. We hope you will help us — and the public — learn more about TrumpWorld and how this unprecedented array of businesses might affect public policy.

Are there companies we didn’t find? Important officials we didn’t include? Do you know if members of the administration — or people or companies influencing them — are acting in a way the public deserves to know about? Our reporters will check and vet every tip and submission we receive.

The TrumpWorld map is based on a wide-ranging search of financial disclosures, news stories, and other records. These data sources can contain errors and omissions, so we also want to know what we may have missed.

Please send tips and information to (If you’d like to send your tip securely and anonymously, see these instructions.)

You can view TrumpWorld below or click here to view it in Google Sheets, where you can search and download the data. You can also view it on GitHub.

Update, Jan. 20, 2017: Thanks in large part to readers' tips, TrumpWorld now includes more than 1,700 people and organizations.

Update, Feb. 14, 2017: TrumpWorld now includes more than 2,100 people and organizations.

Update, April 24, 2017: We’ve made TrumpWorld easier to search. Previously, the spreadsheet contained three tabs of data: Person-Person connections, Person-to-Organization connections, and Organization-to-Organization connections. Now, it contains just one: Connections. No information has been removed from TrumpWorld; it has just been streamlined. TrumpWorld now includes more than 2,400 people and organizations.

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